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.Richard Clayderman, the prince of romance and the world’s most successful pianist, is playing for me in an apartment overlooking the Seine.His fingers glide deftly over the keys as the Steinway responds to the rolling chords of Moonlight Sonata. Moonlight Swoonata would be more apt.Despite the approach of his 60th birthday, Clayderman could reduce Caligula to tears. His blue eyes are still limpid and his smile boyish, though his blond hair is flecked with grey.

He needs no metronome as he plays. He’s accompanied by the beat of Cupid’s wings. Gallic charm: The prince of romance, Richard Clayderman, plays for Petronella Wyatt in a Paris apartment‘Romance — we need it more than ever.

Don’t you agree?’ He winks at me.To celebrate this Gallic philosophy, he has his first album out in more than a decade. A compilation of classical and popular songs, it is called, predictably, Romantique.Despite selling 85 million records, his life has not been one long, swoony path to an MGM-style rainbow. It has been littered with heartbreak and broken marriages.

ShareEven his name is an invention. Born Philippe Pages, his producer suggested he change it to Clayderman — his great-great-grandmother’s maiden name. ‘Someone else chose Richard and there I was,’ he says.The son of a piano teacher, he started playing aged just six.

At 12, he won a place at the Paris Conservatoire and graduated with first prize.‘I thought about a classical career, but I was already interested in reinterpreting popular standards,’ he says. Then a cruel twist of fate forced his hand. His father became ill and young Richard became a studio musician to support him.‘He was 40 when he died,’ he says.

‘He never saw my success.’Meanwhile, Clayderman had acquired his first wife, Rosaline, at the tender age of 18.‘How romantic to marry so young,’ I sigh.He shakes his head. She was pregnant.’ (With their daughter Maud). ‘It is a mistake to marry when you are so immature.’They divorced two years later, as his career began to flourish.

Romantic Frenchman: Clayderman married for the first time at the age of 18 and was nicknamed Prince of Romance by none less than Nancy Reagan‘I worked hard. Gave my life to it, which didn’t help on a personal level. I knew I could connect with audiences.’His big break came in 1977 when he was asked to record a new tune, Ballade Pour Adeline. It is one of those light, hypnotic compositions that lodge in your brain and it made Clayderman world famous.His lush, orchestral approach has been compared to that of Liberace, but the Frenchman snorts derisively. ‘I copied no one. Liberace was more a showman than a proper pianist.’His introduction to British fans came in 1982 through a marketing ploy of commercials of him playing the piano that seemed to go on for ever. Though his first album was available only by mail order, thousands of besotted women sent cheques.‘Zut!

All the fan letters. All the girls! Not that I am complaining. But I didn’t expect such a thing. Nancy Reagan was the one who gave me my nickname. She came to one of my concerts and called me the Prince of Romance! Of course, there was nothing between us.’Clayderman has never attracted scandal, but was he never tempted?‘Of course, there were temptations that were hard to resist.

I was playing in London, Spain, Vienna, Latin America — a world of temptations.’But he resisted. He’s never smoked, taken drugs nor even touched alcohol. A Frenchman who’s never tasted champagne? Quelle horreur!‘I once took a sniff, but didn’t drink it. My parents didn’t drink or smoke and when my father became ill we tried to live as healthily as possible.’But not even a tipple on his wedding day?‘Ah, there have been too many of those. My big fault is getting married and divorced!

It’s a very bad weakness because it’s extremely expensive.’He met his second wife, Christine, a former hairdresser, at the theatre. They married in 1980 and have a son, Peter.‘I was a better husband and father the second time. I was there more. But, even so, I had to do so many tours it was not good for the marriage.‘Being Mr Romance can be hard. Sometimes you just want to hide and be alone. One needs a rest, even from romance. But do not tell anyone that!’He is a multi-millionaire, but his idea of a rest is to retreat to his modest home near Versailles and walk his dog.

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He had four vintage cars, but sold them.‘I like to live simply. I have a few paintings, but none of them are worth much.’He did, however, acquire another wife in 2010, a violinist called Typhaine.

As I write, they are still together. Career: Richard Clayderman's big break came in 1977 and began gaining British fans in the early 1980s‘She was the best for me, as I had known her for ten years.

She played in the orchestra that accompanies me, so she knew my character very well.’Today, he thinks less about love and more about taxes.‘I lost so much money getting divorced. I’ve been very generous to my ex-wives, especially the second — I even paid for her new boyfriend! But France under President Hollande is no good for people with money. The taxes have gone extremely high.’What does he think of his fellow countryman Gerard Depardieu, who caused un petit scandale recently by becoming a Russian citizen in order to evade French taxes?‘I cannot see myself in exile.

That is not for me. But I understand how they feel. It is crazy, so much taxes.’Fortunately for his fans, Clayderman’s enthusiasm for the piano is undimmed. He has just returned from a concert tour of China and will soon perform in Britain before embarking on tours of Asia, Japan and Switzerland.‘I will carry on touring as long as my health lets me, but it is harder as you get older,’ he says. ‘I jog every day and cycle to keep myself in shape.

Richard Clayderman Albums

But I do travel less. The jetlag gets worse all the time.’Yet his complexion is smooth and there are no rock star circles under his eyes. Has he indulged in un petit peu de Botox?‘No way!

I just live healthily. I also have good genes. People are jealous, like those who attack my music.’Clayderman is in a league of his own, a fact that explains his popularity and the carping of musical purists.‘I cause critics inconvenience, because they are not able to place me.


I used to mind when critics were nasty about me, but it is stupid. I am not a classical pianist. I do not fit, and I have grown happy about that.’Clayderman walks to the piano and begins to play a lush arrangement of the theme from Love Story. He looks at me with his heavy-lashed eyes, which are at once triste and tender.Yes, he is still the Prince of Romance, even if Cupid’s arrows are becoming a little rusty with age.‘I think I have found a harmony in my life,’ he says.‘I am much more content as I get older because I can give more time to my family.

I do not want to be some crazy obsessive who dies on stage.’And what would his last wish be? A glass of champagne, I suggest hopefully.He shakes his head and gives me a delightful grin: ‘Lower taxes.’Richard Clayderman's Romantique is out on Decca Records on February 4.

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